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Coconut jelly pudding recipe

Coconut jelly pudding 


Coconut jelly pudding recipe is popular desert in many asain cusines and its mainly made coconut water,thick milk, china grass,sugar 


Introduction  for coconut jelly pudding 


Coconut jelly pudding is a delightful and refreshing  popular desert across the various cultures in Asian cuisine it is known as smooth , jiggly texture and subtle sweetness dessert made with coconut milk, jelly agent like agar agar or gelatin 



Coconut jelly pudding

Coconut jelly pudding have its roots in Asian cuisine countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Philippinese and Malaysia in this countries coconut milk was traditional ingredients for centuries and the exact origin of coconut jelly pudding is difficult to pinpoint and it as different variations of the deserts 




  • 10 grams of china grass / agar agar 
  • 2 cups/ 500 ml of coconut water
  • ¼ cup of sugar


Ingredients for coconut milk layer 


  • 10 grams of china grass 
  • 1 cup of water
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 500 ml of thick coconut milk





  • Take 10 grams of china grass / agar agar
  • Soak fo 10 minutes 
  • Add 2 cups/ 500 ml of coconut water in to a pan
  • Add soaked china grass 
  • Cook until China grass dissolves completely 
  • Add ¼ cup of sugar 
  • Cook until sugar dissolves completely 
  • Remove from heat 
  • Pour this into a mould
  • Let it cool completely 
  • Chill it in refrigerator until firm


Directions for  coconut milk layer 


  • Take china grass ( 10 grams) in a bowl 
  • Soak it in water for 10 minutes 
  • into a pan Add 1 cup of water 
  • Squeeze water from the china grass and 
  • Cook until agar agar melts completely 
  • Add ½ cup of sugar 
  • Cook until sugar melts completely 
  • Now turn off the heat 
  • Add 500 ml of thick coconut milk 
  • Stir it well 
  • Now take the mould we keep in the refrigerator and it firm now 
  • Pour the coconut milk over it 
  • (You can even strain the mixture and add)
  • Refrigerate until firm 
  • When its firm
  • Loosen the sides & remove from the mould/bowl
  • Cut into a pieces and serve 
  • Delicious coconut jelly pudding ready to serve 


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