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Schezwan noodles house made


Schezwan noodles

Schezwan noodles house made is a indo -chinese cuisine recipes which is made by consisting of various vegetables soya sauce, Schezwan sauce, pepper, mushroom eggs carrot, noodles,oil capsicum, cabbage

Noodles house

Ingredients  for (Schezwan noodles house made)



Oil- 2 tbsp

Garlic -1 tbsp




Green capsicum -1 cup

Red capsicum -1 cup

Cabbage -1 cup

Mushroom -1 cup

Salt-½ tsp

Pepper -½ tsp

Soya sauce -1 tsp

Schezwan sauce-3tso

Spring onions


Instructions:step by step


1.first we’re going to cook the noodles

To the pot of boiling water

Add a little bit of salt Add the noodles on to boiling water

Noodles house

Noodles house

Cook the noodles until it’s completely done

After 5mins you can check the noodles

That noodles have to be firm yet cooked.

3.make sure you don’t overcook it & make it very soggy

4.strain the noodles & gently seperate them

Now pour a little bit of water at room temperature

So noodles don’t stick to each other


5.Now that the noodles are done keep this aside

6.The take a nice wide cut or wide walk cudai which is comfortable to mix

7.add 2 tbsp of oil to cudai/pan

8.once the oil is heated


Add 1 Tbsp of finelly chopped garlic 

Add 1 Tbsp of finelly chopped ginger

One medium sized onion thinly sliced

9.Now saute the onions along with the garlic & ginger for just about 30 secs

10.maintain the flame on medium high

11.Now start adding all the vegetables

That have taken for the noodles

Starting with

1 cup of carrot (julians)

1 cup of thinly sliced green capsicum

1 cup of thinly sliced red capsicum

1 cup of shredded cabbage

1 cup of sliced mushroom


I have used all these vegetables

For the noodles or you can add your choice


If you don’t have a certain vegetables you can also make it without them

Now season the vegetables with salt teaspoon & half teaspoon of pepper

& I tsp of soya sauce

12.just give it quick mix

13.if you like to add a little bit of protein to it you can just add a couple of eggs that entirely up to you add 3 tbsp Schezwan sauce

You can adjust the spiceness according to your taste

15.just mix it all nicely with the vegetables

Reduce the flame to medium low gently drop the noodles

Start mixing the vegetables along with the noodles

17.finely adding a finely chopped spring onions or co

riander leaves

Your tasty Schezwan noodles is ready to eat





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